

It has been two months since I returned to writing my personal blog. As I have mentioned in my initial posts since I returned, I am doing this to alleviate myself from stress- emotional, physical and mental. This is a way to gauge my progress and to assess what has been helpful or counter productive for me.

This is also an opportunity for me to look back and reflect what has happened the previous month - things I am thankful for, those I need to follow up on and those I should be changing or avoiding.

Every year, at the first week of June, we start to pray the nine-day novena to St Anthony of Padua. My mom and I decided to continue to pray the rosary every night even after the nine-day novena. This gave me more reason to manage my time and my tasks. It gave me a little more structure in my life, it gave me a little sense of control - my fifteen to twenty minutes of reflection and silence.

I think I am gaining a little interest in photography again, not sure with this as my subject is always the city sky. We’ll see in the future. Currently I am limited to my clampshell phone, but with a little filter, it seems nice. Please don’t get me wrong, I love my phone, but it is more challenging to take photos with it because it does not have the high resolution of the current popular phones. Though I do love the challenge 😏😏😏

It was also this month that I had to unearth a skeleton in my closet. It was revealed because of a current social issue. I will post about it in a few days. Made me cry and crumble inside, but it also made me a little relieved knowing that there are people who understood me in the end.

I have some tasks that I delayed or are still delayed from last month and my dad is already nagging me about it. My bad. I hope I get to finally accomplish them on July.

Last but not least... I got a haircut and my glasses! Finally!

Guess that is all for now.

Till my next update.


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