
A New Year and On to Possible Opportunities - and Consistency

A pleasant greeting to everyone.

I started this blog in November 2009, and it has been 14 years since then. I do not regularly update, and I go on unannounced hiatus and return. But this year, I hope to revive my blog once again. Like the famous saying, "Try and try until you succeed."

Major update: I have migrated to New Zealand. The move was last August 2023 - it was in the middle of the winter season when we arrived. Four months have passed since we arrived, but adjustment is ongoing. I am grateful to everyone who has been helping me with the change - my friend Edelyn, Ley, and the principal and staff of my daughter's school.

The move from one country to another is a major change for me and my daughter, but this morning I received news about a major change once more. My husband's boss accepted a managerial position on a farm at a different region in New Zealand. Since they are a (dairy) team, we will be moving with him. The move is in June but as early as now, we are planning for it. Honestly, the move makes me nervous because my daughter and I have warmed up to the school community. This is one of the down sides of having a family while working at the dairy farming sector. Moving from one farm to another is inevitable.

Change is (definitely) the only thing constant in this world. The irony of the saying can be a hard pill to swallow.

There are opportunities I am looking forward to in the next two months. I hope I can give a decent update in the future.

I also have goals that I hope to accomplish within the first half of the year and one of those is getting a Learner's Driving License. Knowing how to drive is essential here in New Zealand. It opens up more opportunities in general and it is the primary mode of transportation here.

There are numerous events to look forward to this year and I hope I can be consistent in documenting it here.

For now, I wish everyone a happy a prosperous new year ahead of us all.

Till my next update. Ciao.

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