
Pizza Business Experience

I mentioned in my previous post that I started a small pizza business last month. Right now it is starting very slow and difficult as I have not fully thought of how to properly advertise it and make it more exciting to the market. Add to that, we were recently subject to Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine once more. So limited movement and tighter money handling for most people again.

This is not my first experience in selling pizza though. When I was still living in the province I started a pizza business with my father. I was always frustrated because I was so desperate for money, well I still am desperate, but in the province I felt more pressured and stressed about it. I was impatient and in a hurry to always get people to notice our pizza business. Handling requests of customers distressed me cause it would sometimes deviate from the usual or set ingredients of the menu. I was even more made when the customers were impatient and nagging about their orders.

These experiences from the province helped me better under the business now and help me manage customer requests, time management and customer expectations. I have also learned ow to accept critiques, both positive and negative from our customers.

Of course there is still that frustration of not earning enough and some mistakes here in there. But in general, things feel more manageable than before. My pizza is not yet that good as my dad’s pizza, and I admit that “I still have lots more to work on.”

I am still trying to improve it, I will get there, eventually. 😉😉😉

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